Monday, November 26, 2007

Science vs. Religion?

So I went to this talk tonight about the repercussions that occur when faith and science meet. And the fact that there are even major reactions when these two come within "100 yards of each other." The "celebrity scientists" that grace coffee tables and bathrooms and tops of TVs with their literature apparently have this huge repulsion to any type of religion in general and don't think that the two can coexist. This is not a one-sided argument by any means, however. "Celebrity Evangelical Christians" in literature are just as bad, if not worse, at berating and attacking any kind of scientific exploration and research because it "contradicts the Bible" and "is from Satan." I guess this is partially my Wesleyan upbringing showing through, but using both Scripture and reason to come to theological conclusions seems like a road that we (Evangelical Christian Scientists at least) can travel down together. Especially when using our ability to explore and discover to more fully understand Scripture in matters that are not "necessary for salvation."

The hottest debate in media is the creation vs. evolution debate (even though most science does not focus on this topic). To me, there are two parts to this issue- the Who and the How. The Who, for me, is unquestionably and unequivocally God. Scripture points over and over again to a Creator God, and yes, the main focus of Genesis 1 and 2 is to glorify and praise the intensely personal Creator of everything. The How, however, is less certain and, although I am no Biblical Scholar by any means, Genesis 1 and 2 were written in a literary style not meant to be taken literally, but, as aforementioned, to give the due praise to our Creator. And as scientific evidence comes out to support our creation through evolution, I see no direct Biblical contradiction. I am not 100% confident in this belief, and I don't think there will ever be enough evidence to prove the world's creation through evolution, but by not allowing this possibility, it seems we are confining God to a "little white box." Obviously there are questions that arise such as when did we acquire the "image of God," but I, as are many other more intelligent people, am working through that as time goes on.

All this to say that I don't understand why this huge chasm exists between science and religion. And by those attempting to bridge this gap, the key is not to attack the "other side" or turn it into a boxing match of "science vs. religion," but to look at the issue of how we came to be from many different angles and come out of our egocentric beliefs that "we are right, and you are not, and so we have to attack you and defend ourselves from such heresy." Maybe this is just the Sociologist in me. But, to me, that mentality is nothing close to the love we profess to be the center of all we do.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


i talk with these people and read what they've written and think about the implications of their unspoken words and actions and im intimidated. and i feel so inadequate sometimes. like there should be some deep, philosophical topic im struggling with. or some fault God and I should be working through. or some giant social injustice i should be actively advocating against. and that i am not at a level to be talking with these people because i'll just sound ignorant (which i know i am in most cases) or not passionate enough or not (fill in the blank) enough.

but then i think "why am i comparing myself to these other people? true, they are wonderful examples to look up to for wisdom and insight, but truth of the matter is, i am not them and im not at a place they are. but that's ok. we're not called to be the most insightful or the most reflective or whatnot. (not to say we shouldn't continually be growing) simply to be obedient to the God of love and mercy. and to extend that love to anyone and everyone."

then i think "why do i keep thinking "i"? my whole center of focus needs to change. i don't really know how. and i wonder how to have this focus on other people when my own life is so screwed up and my ineffiencies and excuses get in the way (in my mind). can we truely be God's witness to others if our own lives are not what we preach? i don't pretend to be this high and mighty person who has all the answers. to be honest, sometimes i just don't care. and i think that when i truely abandon myself and let my thoughts become more insync with God's, these apathetic moments and stumbles over the perceptions of what i think is the right way will slowly disappear. im not there yet. but if im like thomas and stay faithful to the community of believers, God will reveal himself to me.

so im kind of in a rut. not really sure what to do or where to go, but being honest with God and myself seems like a pretty good place to start. at least, it's the best i know how to deal with it right now, so that's what im gonna act on. may God meet me and soften my callous heart.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

thoughts from this weekend...

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17

"Why feed a child who will likely die of malaria, cholera, or dysentery before her fifth birthday? Why educated a deaf child in a place like Gaza, roiling with violence and despair? Why give a loan to a widown in Zambia dying from AIDS or bring clean water to a Congolese war zone?...Our God is a God of the lost cause, the mustard seed, the lost sheep, and the widow's mite. He values each life, regardless of circumstances, as 'precious in his sight.' "
Rich Stearns, President of World Vision

"I lay myself at Your feet
Asking You won't You meet
Won't You meet me
I cannot do it on my own
I cannot do it all alone
Here I am, oh, tonight
With my arms open wide
Won't You come inside
Won't You come inside, God
Come and fill this heart of mine
I'm in need of You
Of Your touch, of Your life, of Your love
I need You
I need You"
Shawn McDonald - Here I Am

Am I being faithful to the God of mercy, grace, love and hope?

Why is it so hard to be still?

Holy Spirit, fill her with your touch. Pull her from her apathy towards your healing and forgiveness. Turn her focus from her boyfriend to you. Teach her how to balance those relationships. Give me the words and actions to not be a stumbling block. And most of all, Holy Spirit, bring her back to the God she knows.